And then the loss of that relief when I saw that Sarah Palin is too:
I still feel like people think I'm daydreaming when I doodle away during meetings, but if anything it keeps me more in the present. My only problem is occasionally not wanting to turn the page in our progress reports when I'm in the midst of a nice sketch.

(yes, that's an email from THE Surly Temple, of the Gotham Girls Roller Derby! Emailing ME! ... and a bunch of other girls)

Which probably led to this doodle. Side bar: I LOVE ROLLER DERBY PRACTICE. I've only been to 2 and am pretty convinced I won't make the team on Dec. 6th, but it is SO FUN. And for me, anyway, doing things outside of my "comfort zone" (literally- I've been in DIScomfort since the first practice), I get all fired up creatively. The day after the first practice was when I finally started in on that new dummy I've been thinking about for months now.

Didn't Barack Obama's sketch sell for like $2000 on ebay? FYI- in case you like what you see here...