Wow. That is just about all I can say. Wow.
A stellar week at Pacific Northwest College of Art! I had the privilege of leading a four-day, non-stop, action-packed CHILDREN'S BOOK INTENSIVE! Can you handle it??! It was a dream come true for me- a week of talking, walking, thinking & sharing picture books with a wonderful group of talented authors and illustrators.
The focus of the course was writing and illustrating your own picture book. Oh, we packed a lot into those four days: character development, narrative structure, design, pacing, and how to market yourself to publishers. The goal was to have a rough dummy by the end of the week- a lot to ask for in 4 days!- but I think everyone made great strides in that short span of time.
Much of our discussions dealt with the peculiar marriage of words and pictures in children's books, and I found two wonderful ambassadors to help demonstrate some of the possibilities:

Story Number Three: The Photograph
One day Martha stepped into a photography booth.
"I love to have my picture taken," she said.
When Martha saw her photograph, she was thrilled.
"I've never looked prettier," she said.

Story Number Five (The Last Story: The Special Gift) is a good example of not spelling everything out in your text. The text on this page reads:
On the way to George's house, Martha played a tricky game of hopscotch.

Whew, I'm getting all riled again. I do love talking about picture books. So, one of the BEST things about this week was that I got to invite SPECIAL GUEST STARS!!! And Portland is home to a dazzling array of children's book talent.
On Monday the extremely prolific author Deborah Hopkinson came to speak. You may know her from the 40-odd books she's written- mainly historical fiction and non-fiction works for kids.
We were lucky enough to have the amazingly talented Johanna Wright speak on Tuesday and Wednesday, and she offered insights into her dummy-making process as well as how she develops her characters.