No matter how old I get, I always feel like September brings a subtle air of "Get Back to Work". My last days of summer were filled with visitors, quasi-camping, and Twilight re-enactments (perhaps I will post pictures in celebration of the cinematic release of Part 4, Act I). However, it's September now. I am knee-deep in illustrations for my next book, and my Children's Book Portfolio class at Pacific Northwest College of Art begins in two days.
But for now, step back into the golden days of Early September with me, back when the sun set at 8pm & we all wore t-shirts...
On Labor Day, I had the pleasure of visiting the Portland Children's Museum for an Advanced Sneak Peek reading of my next book, Olympig! The book doesn't come out until next summer, so this was kind of a practice run for me. I am planning all sorts of Olympic-themed storytimes for next summer to coincide with the book's publication, so I wanted to see what worked and what didn't.
For the record, Wild & Crazy Interpretive Dance competition: WORKED.

Jumping jacks: WORKED!
I really wanted to incorporate some physical activity into the reading, and my mom suggested tying some movements into the story. So, when Boomer runs in a race, we all ran in place (side note- coach's whistle to indicate end of activity: WORKED). When he does the long jump, we jumped. When he dove, we did some pretend swimming. And the Grand Finale was when the Wild & Crazy Interpretive Dancing came into play.
I also brought in a few "mistake" paintings (since the original art is with my publisher) so the kids could see and touch the original illustrations.

We ended with an Olympic Closing Ceremony parade throughout the museum! (Note: next time, bring music. Loud humming of Olympic theme: FAIL.)

It was lots and lots of fun, and I am looking forward to more events next summer! Thanks to Mom & Dad for the crafty help and the photographs, and to everyone who came out that day!