Friday, July 31, 2015


My last post was in... March?!

My apologies for the lack of blog posts! I don't know what could possibly be taking up all of my time these days.

No really, I have no idea.

ANYway, I am now on Twitter, and I do hope you'll follow me as I am doing a better job at staying active there.

In the meantime, some images to share! Here is the cover for my newest graphic novel, coming out in February 2016! Yippeee!

And here's a sketch from the interior. Hint: trouble is brewing in the cafeteria.

This graphic novel is for younger readers than the audience for ROLLER GIRL, and writing it has been a much different experience. If I had to describe the experience in one word, it would be "fun". If I were given 3 words, they would be "fun, fun, fun". That is why I decided to become an author- my command of the English language.

I hope your summer has been fun, fun, fun as well! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Kid Life Drawing

I teach a children's book illustration course at Pacific Northwest College of Art. One of my favorite parts of class is a little thing I like to call Kid Life Drawing. Students have lots of adult life drawing at PNCA, but kids have such different proportions and it can be hard to draw them well. So, every few weeks I ask parent friends of mine if their kids would like to model for our class. In return, each student gives the parent/kid a drawing at the end of the session. Here are a few sketches of mine from this week's class- an awesome 11-year-old named Aria.

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Making of ROLLER GIRL

Oh boy oh boy, VERY FEW DAYS REMAINING until the release of ROLLER GIRL! I am preparing for my book release parties as we speak! (hint: a rainbow of frosting). In the meantime, please enjoy a *free* e-book on the making of ROLLER GIRL- you can click on the image to download a pdf file.

And if you're in the Portland area, please come to my party! You know it will involve rainbow frosting, so how can you say no?

Tuesday, March 10th
7 pm
Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing

Saturday, March 14th
2 pm
Green Bean Books

Monday, January 26, 2015

An interview with yours truly

... Me! Betsy Bird, with School Library Journal, interviewed me for her new and awesome web series. We talk roller derby and graphic novels and the comic strip "For Better or For Worse". WHAT ELSE COULD YOU WANT? Thanks for having me, Betsy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ANOTHER star!!!

Holy moly! Another star for ROLLER GIRL! This time from School Library Journal! I am beyond thrilled. One of my favorite lines: "Her clothes shopping 'hell' sequence is spot-on". Ha- I am glad my hatred of clothes shopping translated so clearly. You can read the whole review here. Thank you, SLJ!

A page of early thumbnails from my sketchbook. I am so neat and organized!