Friday, July 31, 2015


My last post was in... March?!

My apologies for the lack of blog posts! I don't know what could possibly be taking up all of my time these days.

No really, I have no idea.

ANYway, I am now on Twitter, and I do hope you'll follow me as I am doing a better job at staying active there.

In the meantime, some images to share! Here is the cover for my newest graphic novel, coming out in February 2016! Yippeee!

And here's a sketch from the interior. Hint: trouble is brewing in the cafeteria.

This graphic novel is for younger readers than the audience for ROLLER GIRL, and writing it has been a much different experience. If I had to describe the experience in one word, it would be "fun". If I were given 3 words, they would be "fun, fun, fun". That is why I decided to become an author- my command of the English language.

I hope your summer has been fun, fun, fun as well!