Monday, July 21, 2008

Spot the differences!

Below are two versions of the same spread in Bea Rocks the Flock. The first one I did- oh! Maybe 3 years ago, when I was just putting together the first dummy. Check out those googly eyes! Too bad I'm late arriving to this competition. Until I compared them side-by-side, I had no idea my style had changed so much!

Added bonus to "spot the difference" game: Where's Waldo? (ok, my niece and brother). I have 4 (almost) wordless & very highly populated spreads, & it's been fun to pop in people I know. Maybe I can add a Where's Waldo component to the book, with the added challenge of readers having to guess what my friends and family members look like in order to find them.


Al said...

That's terrific! It's so great to see what time can do to a style. I notice nothing's changed about the sheep!

Super cute!

Adam said...

Nice flock rockin' there. Funny thing about eyes. Now when I look back on my first couple years of work everyone looks like Marty Feldman.

Which passersby are your relatives? I always think that's fun... I've cast a friend's dad in all but two book jobs, I think.

Haven't told him yet.

Vicki said...

Ha! Marty Feldman- That's rich. And a scarily apt description of my early work, too!

That's a little creepy about your friend's dad, yo.

Al, I said as much on your blog, but... Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!